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Official Role-Playing Tournament

The Champion's Tournament


Contest Closed


Here in Elftown there have been drawing contests, photography contests, colouring contests, prose contests, poetry contests, clothes-designing contests... contests that cater for the interests of this community.

Except one. In a community teeming with Role-players, where is the contest to decide the best? I have seen many people claim to be excellent role-players, only the be disappointed when I saw their skill. I've seen god players, power players and hundreds of Mary Sues. But I have also seen skill, talent, interesting characters and strong role-playing. Now it's time to put that skill and talent to the test.  

The Champion's Tournament is a tournament to decide the best Role-player on Elftown. Dare you compete?


* Contestants * CT Rules * CT Judges *


Note: Reading the rules would be a wise idea.

The Champion's Tournament will be played in groups rounds, with each player who scores over a certain amount of points continuing to the following round.

The winners will be decided by judges who will follow a set criteria for awarding points. The judge(s) of your particular match will remain anonymous.

Points will be awarded for the originality of your character, as well as role-play skills. You may submit up to three characters to use throughout the tournament.

The winner will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it. The badge itself is still a surprise.



We are looking for the best role-player not the strongest character! This isn’t a fighting tournament, where whoever kills the other’s character is the winner – it’s a role-play tournament – the winner will be the best role-player; and as all good role-players know, that doesn’t necessarily mean the one with the strongest character.

And since it's a fair assumption that most people here are into role-playing, why don't you check out Text Adventures? If you've got an RP of your own, and you want members, add it!


Moderated by [iippo] & [windowframe]

Username (or number or email):


2006-03-24 [iippo]: But in case anyone cares, I will give you an update on what I have done for my university-work *ignores shouts of opposition*: I folded an A2-size sheet so it has 64 little squares. Each square I allocated to a person I know (hard to come up with 63 people!). I drew each of those people as a machinic representation (so everyone is a different engine-part, I used an old engine-magazine catalog for references) and made them join to show who has relations with who. All done in pencil this is. Then I scanned it and tweaked it a bit in PhotoShop. Then I cut each square and put them onto their own separate layers. Then I copied those images into Flash and assigned them to movie clips.

2006-03-24 [iippo]: Those movieclips I had made earlier, as well as the coding of the movie. All of the movie clips have the first frame empty and the graphic's on the second frame. The coding done in ActionScript makes the program play the movieclips in random order, one at a time. It's a bit boring still because I don't have the sounds yet. A friend with a Welsh accent will record 64 random words which I will allocate to each movie clip, making the word fit the person who the machine-image represents. I'm also making the machine pictures as separate image-files by making them two-tone in Photoshop and printing at business-card size. I hope to use them as labels for other drawings of machinery.

2006-03-24 [iippo]: I also did life painting today, but that sucked.

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Wow that was terribly dull.

2006-03-24 [Azuri]: O.o that sounds like a task and a half O.o

2006-03-25 [NamelessMerc]: Yup, and then on top of that she's judging bios. So we can afford to be patient, no?

2006-03-25 [Jeesum Crowe]: That's what I said.

2006-03-25 [Azuri]: Well of course patients is a virtue^_^ and though i tend to lack it i guess i can wait XD after all now i have .Hack/Infection to keep me entertained :-D

2006-03-25 [Nebka]: So what class was that for [iippo]?

2006-03-25 [iippo]: It's my university degree in general. So uhm, that's about what I'll be doing all of next year as well (well there's also the even boring bit called "professional practice" where you fill in forms about how much you learnt in your incredibly short week-long work placement, where I basically sat and listened professional animators tell what their job is). And the year after that if I do go for the masters as well o.O (I don't mind, Flash-work is interesting).

2006-03-25 [Nebka]: :) So I'm guessing after you graduate you want to be an animater right? Any Idea were you want to start your carrer after you get your degree?

2006-03-26 [iippo]: Animator or art teacher, still undecided. Animating is more fun, but teachers are the only people who really make a difference and an influence on young minds. *wants to corrupt young minds* :P There are loads and loads of animation studios everywhere in the world (surprisingly many in India O_o) that are always looking for new mental patients, ehm, sorry, animators. :P

2006-03-27 [Azuri]: lol animators are deffently mental cases (im trying to get into AI to become one >>) i dont think i could be a teacher id probly end up massacuring my students XD

2006-03-27 [Delladreing]: I'm going to be a teacher, the possibility of that has yet to make me reconsider my career choices :P

2006-03-27 [Azuri]: hahahahah ill hear about your teaching career in the news and i live in the usa XD

2006-03-28 [NamelessMerc]: =D Teaching will be fun. I'm gonna be an english teacher (hopefully). Ah, to shape young minds... They'll never know what hit them. =P

2006-03-28 [Veltzeh]: Just be careful. Someone might remember and come back to haunt you. I remember what some teachers did and would probably torture them for it, given the chance. :P

2006-03-28 [NamelessMerc]: Oh, I'll be nice to them, of course. But woe betide the first little oik that makes a fuss out of my lessons, damnit >.<;

2006-03-28 [Lepellier]: I wanna be a psychology that will be fun....

2006-03-28 [NamelessMerc]: o.0; Today children, we're going to study the structure of the brain *scalpel* Now, any volounteers?

2006-03-28 [syagre]: Pick me, my neurone can't get worse !

2006-03-28 [Nebka]: I think I'll stick with 3D animation...

2006-03-28 [Azuri]: > yea animation whoo for video games ^_^

2006-03-29 [Wes Foxx]: I'm starting to think that I was right about the whole contest thing o.o; As it is, there's been 3 days to every 1 person... Can we get more updates, please?

2006-03-29 [windowframe]: Update: You failed, for annoying me. :) I jest. Blame it all on [Paul Doyle]. And, uh, considering there were 100 entrants, (let alone bios) and we've not taken over 300 days, I suggest you go improve your maths a wee bit.

2006-03-29 [Paul Doyle]: *sonorous melodramatic muttering voice* "Why must I carry the burden of everyone's sins?" *totters off to some desolate desert valley and sits under a cactus, eyes unfocused watching the buzzards circling above*

2006-03-30 [Jewl]: *jumps on him* I love you, pauly!!!!!!!!!!!! *silly from the pain drugs after her operation...*

2006-03-30 [Paul Doyle]: *gets all happily emo-like* Awwwwww

2006-03-30 [Jewl]: *purrs like a kitten and curls up all cute-like next him* Mew I speaketh to thee. Mew.

2006-03-30 [Aradon Templar]: Because your character's bio is painfully long, Paul :P

2006-03-30 [Paul Doyle]: I did ask. 2006-02-01 paul doyle: I wonder if there's a word-count limit. My anthro-dragon guy's page just gets longer and longer and longer, and it is still not done. This was answered with: 2006-02-01 iippo: We do not set any limits.  Were there limits, I would have complied :PPPPPPPP

2006-03-30 [Jewl]: XD no kidding, eh?

2006-03-30 [Yncke]: No, [Paul Doyle], the fact that we didn't forbid bios of that length does not mean we've bitten of more than we can chew. It does mean, however, that judging can take a long time.

2006-03-30 [Paul Doyle]: OK, well I appreciate that response, rather than counterproductive finger-pointing that makes you guys (and not me!) look bad. Thank you :)

2006-03-30 [deus-ex-machina]: Nothing of the sort can make us look bad. We revel in that image. =) Psst - we pretty much have the RPG universe covered too.

2006-03-30 [Paul Doyle]: Well, you should be proud, then, just as all of Elftown should be proud of you :P

2006-03-30 [Aradon Templar]: We're joking, Paul ^^' I honestly wouldn't have posted that if I thought it would upset you.

2006-03-30 [Paul Doyle]: Don't worry, no Guard Report this time ;-D

2006-03-30 [deus-ex-machina]: *sigh*

2006-03-30 [iippo]: Who let the emos in again *chases some off with a broom* Pauly, next time when you enter emo-mode, make sure you close the door behind you -- them critters sneak up behind you before you can say "anthrodragon" O_o *reminds everyone that is occasionally the king of emo* So no need to get all upset and... well, emo, on me :P 

2006-04-26 [Archaelous]: *Looks at his watch* Time flies when youre not having fun xD It may be taking them ages to judge everything, but all it's doing is improving the suspense. Have I passed?! Will I be in the second round?! *Runs around like a loon* Tell meeeeeeee!!!! XD

2006-04-26 [Wes Foxx]: Wow. How long has it been O.o 2 1/2 months?

2006-04-26 [Kitsune Arashi]: No kidding. It can't take that long to read through everything

2006-04-26 [iippo]: Well, thank you so much for your very helpful comments, I'm sure you could have done it much faster, which is why you are helping, isn't it? Oh yeah, you're not. In other words: patience.

2006-04-26 [Kitsune Arashi]: God, sorry. I was just saying. I mean, I've looked through all the bios or what not and it just doesn't seem like it would take this long, especialy with all the judges. It's not like it's one person doing it. That's all I'm saying, it's not like we can see the process or anything.

2006-04-26 [iippo]: Just hold your peace, it's all I'm saying. Snide comments about how long it's taking do not help. The judges happen to be people with lives outside this thing too, they are doing this voluntarily (while some, I'm sure, would rather have participated but did this judging as a favour), and since no one is paying them, it's not fair to keep rushing and bitching about it. Do something else meanwhile, and we'll finish when we're done.

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: *twitch* I doubt you've looked through every single bio actually. Really, really doubt it - and there's this... well rather large difference between 'looking at it' and 'judging it'.

2006-04-26 [Delladreing]: Indeed, there's a reason for why we are taking long, we are as the Silver one says, judging, and we are judging fairly yet strictly. No one who doesnt deserve to get through, is getting through. Its a lot of bios to go through to that standard. So as the [iippo] says, snide remarks will get you nowhere and it wont make us speed up.

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: *yawns*

2006-04-26 [Jeesum Crowe]: Well, I already know I'm in so I'm cool. *sits in her victorianesque chair and eats rice krispy squares.*

2006-04-26 [Wes Foxx]: Actually, I'd love to help :3 but I can't. *sigh*

2006-04-26 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: hey, uhmmmm.... here. Intro. o.o need applicants. I can paste onto wiki, and wish to do so, AFTER I have an acceptor. Pleeeease bored RPers, say you can enter in anyone. No application required. Just be good or I kick you. o.o

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: Except we don't want your help ;) No offence.

2006-04-26 [Wes Foxx]: Well then, don't yell at me for not helping >_>

2006-04-26 [NamelessMerc]: They're not. They're yelling at you for inhibiting. There's a difference.

2006-04-26 [Jeesum Crowe]: Moving on.

2006-04-26 [Nebka]: where'd my rant go?

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: It felt unloved, slit its wrists, and ran away. :(

2006-04-26 [Delladreing]: *snerk*

2006-04-26 [Nebka]: lol. but I was only half way done...

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: That must be why it felt unloved, then. O.o

2006-04-26 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh my God. You abandoned your rant halfway through?

2006-04-26 [Jeesum Crowe]: That's like giving birth to one twin.

2006-04-26 [Nebka]: well it's got to be around here somewhere. It slit it's wrists and then ran away, so it couldn't have gotten too far.

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: well, that depends - if it was actually suicidal, then true - if it was emo, it could've gone miles by now. O.o

2006-04-26 [Delladreing]: Follow the blood splatters! ok fine dribbles

2006-04-26 [Nebka]: no, I think it was to good of a rant to commit suicide. I think it got kilt.

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: I dunno - you left it half finished. That's enough to traumatise anything.

2006-04-26 [Delladreing]: I have numerous rants that got left unfinished...they died shortly after :( *sniffs*

2006-04-26 [windowframe]: *sighs* irresponsible parents.

2006-04-26 [Jeesum Crowe]: Honestly. With their one twin.

2006-04-26 [Delladreing]: I made up for them all >.> those were in my young foolish days

2006-04-26 [Nebka]: Hurray for short attention spans!!

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: ::tsk tsk tsk:: you should find a more better home for your rants guys! *Cough*Something That Pisses Me Off...*Cough*

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: 0.0 Sweet!

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: ^_^ mesh you should all take your homeless rants there^_^

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: ^.^ heh, I like you're rants, there funny and well directed.

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: ^_^ thanks

2006-04-27 [iippo]: Your rant got a kilt?! I want one! (Or a scotty man with a kilt... >_>)

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Now that I can help deliver ;)

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol i wish my rant alone could get me a kilt id so wear it XD i guess ill just have to seatle for stealing my boyfriends though >>

2006-04-27 [NamelessMerc]: o.0; I wore a kilt to my prom. A bit breezy XD

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: All the boys at my prom wore kilts, but then again. I am in Scotland so thats not unusual.

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: The wing thing I will not allow, is kilts at my wedding though *nod nod* they have no place in weddings >.>

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol you know they would be great there Dela

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: *shudders* No matter how well built, everyone looks stupid in a kilt :P I've only seen one man in a kilt and wanted to jump his bones, and thats because he had sexy arms, nothing to do with the kilt XP

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: XD Dela is crazy. why were his arms sexy??

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Eh, I'm a body part fettishishisht or however its spelt. I just like certain parts of the body. Necks backs and arms *nod nod* necks especially o.o;; but thats because I have vampiric tendancies ;>.> I'll stop talking now.

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol :hugs: its ok i know what your talking about ::glances around suspisiously:: necks are a good thing

2006-04-27 [iippo]: Dela, you do realise that saying "vampiric tendencies" sounds to people who don't know you exactly as n00by/gothy/whinylittleun-uniqueboob -ish as it would sound been said by anyone in their ET-house. >_>

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: woot, *isnt the only freak on here then* <.<  >.> *hugs* XD

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: And yea, I realise it now that I said it, so I'll correct out outrightish by just admiting that I'm a biter :P

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol n00blet is a great word to discribe the people who say that and are all obesseded and crazy

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Or "fucking moron" :)

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: fucktard is a good one though theres a good chance they will ask if youve just called them a poptart so best to call them a poptart and hope they mishear it as fucktard. then again that only works if your speaking to them XD

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: *snerk*

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: thats seriously happened once O.o i about died laughing when they were like "Did you just call me a poptart?!"

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: XD ha ha

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: twas amusing and thus started me and my friends running around calling people poptarts >>

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: awesome ^^

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: hehe mesh. so how are you today?? my arms hurt ::shakes fists at doctors::

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Eh so I just read, and I'm...pleh. Exams soon. On the other side to things, I'm creating an all new "rantage" thing on here, related to the rant I'm going to give to you soon.

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: blah on exams!::fends them off for Dela with a stick:: oooo shiney cant wait to read. whats the rantage related to the one going on my wiki??

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: XD thankee. Its about healthy body image and health in general. I plan to destroy low self esteem and the myths that cause it with a sledge hammer. I'm also going to slaughter the pro-anorexia sites. Literally snap them like twigs >.>

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol w00t! if you ever need some help im all for it. i still cant believe there are pro anorexia sites O.o

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Yea, they tore me apart through sheer numbers *wince -hobbles-* but the way I see it, I win in the long run over them, as well they'll be dead soon from their chosen "Lifestyle" (call it what it is- a disease- and they all pounce you on mass) and I'll be fat/curvy and alive :P

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: I found it ironic when they called me fat though, as I'm actually smaller than a lot of them were, and you know my measurements o.O

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: it is a disease im with you ill be all fat and curvy too least i wont look like im gonna slip threw a crack in the floor O.o thats crazy so in reality they were indirectly calling themselfs fat cause your thinner than them but threw natural body shape

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Yup. But then again, not eating carbs destorys your thyroid, and parts of your mind, so their retarded coments didnt really surprise me

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: yea. people who follow no carb diets are just asking for it because you acually need carbs to loose weight. I remember my friend Mack telling me his grandfather went on the atkins diet and it nearly killed him

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: The irony that Dr Atkin died of a heart attack I believe it was. Could it possibly have had something to do with his diet :O

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol yea i know. me and my boyfriend got to discusing that once and he said that Dr Atkin died of a heart attack due to his own diet but of course they couldnt let that out they would loose millions of dollars after all who cares about the people >>

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Yup, fucker >.>

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: he got what was coming to him, it was so karma

2006-04-27 [NamelessMerc]: o.0; How does anyone's diet fit in with this tournament?

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: hehe aaah Karma, my dear friend...its going to catch me one day and I'm going to get an ass kicking...

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: lol its ok i think everyone is XD

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: as long as im not alone then << :P

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: Lets see... first we started out with complaining on how long this thing was taking, then we moved on to rants followed shortly by a brief disscution of anorexia sites, next came doctor atkins and his heart attack, and then came karma. So lets see... this wiki is taking to long causing people to rant... which stops them from eating and becoming anorexia... which leads to there deaths... which is karma because we where bitching on how long this wiki was taking. yea... I think that about ties everything together. I Think that's how it went down [NamelessMerc].

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Deal with it :) atleast it was better than the constant bitching of "are you done yet, are you done yet, are you done yet"

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: I never said it was a bad, why does everyone allways takes the things I say as negative? *sniff*

2006-04-27 [iippo]: How AWESOME would it be, a character that's on a diet! Interesting conflict ("I can't eat that, I'm on a diet!"), an appearance-focused personality ("Have I lost weight?") while being a fat char... The uniqueness is blinding! I'm blind!

2006-04-27 [Delladreing]: Maybe its the way in which you say things :P

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: It's not my fault I'm a nonverbal person...(pokes fingers together timidly)

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: ::hugs:: its ok

2006-04-27 [iippo]: Wow. *imagines Nebka communicating non-verbally, visually* How cool would it be, to have a kind of online message-system based on Pictionary?

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: ???

2006-04-27 [iippo]: I'm unverbal too, and I want to enforce a new method of communication to replace words in the future. And Pictionary is the step forward.

2006-04-27 [Kai Crewger]: *has to laugh* the pictionary idea would be cool. there could be a set of symbols, and you have to pick whichever ones you can to communicate your meaning

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's called internet.

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: That would just create a language.

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: no no its the interweb >D

2006-04-27 [Kai Crewger]: nono, like, um... pictures. smileys. only smileys

2006-04-27 [iippo]: I don't mean picking anything from any set imagery, I mean drawing your point. Something like "fuck off" would be so much more descriptive said in pictures.

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah but that would be given meanings and then they would be like words, like hieroglyphics.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: I am confused..if I remember correctly, there are is a non-verbal language to which gesticulations are the primary form of communications lol...sign language anyone?

2006-04-27 [iippo]: No hieroglyphs! Drawings! And not sign-language, that requires human contact.

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: HIEROGLYPHS ARE DRAWINGS!

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: In fact, Roman letters are drawings.

2006-04-27 [iippo]: But man-on-one-knee means something in hieroglypsh, when as in you drawing a man on one knee, means you are talking about a man on one knee. Hieroglyphs, letters, numbers all have meanings that are given to them with words. I'm talking about simply the meaning of what the picture looks like. So if I wanted to tell you that I saw a guy who was massive dickhead, I would draw a picture/cartoon that shows you what it looked like, instead of describing it with words.

2006-04-27 [iippo]: The point of a non-verbal language.

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: But then it would be given a meaning sooner or later and it would all turn into a language. It's evolution! It doesn't work! WE ALWAYS FUCK IT UP EVENTUALLY!

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: We're human, after all.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: Oh...I see...umm, that way no one would ever have to do anything ever again, because no one would want to, it would take to long to say tell employees how to do there jobs and what to do, letalone learn yourself...

2006-04-27 [iippo]: jeesum is obviously one of the verbal people. Come on, use your imagination a little. *rolls eyes*

2006-04-27 [Azuri]: means your damn good heh surprisingly enough alot of people cant use just art to show what they mean theyh need words

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: The world isn't my imagination. It's really there. If it was my imagination it would either be way more fucked up or way less fucked up, I couldn't tell you, but as it is, it's not mine, and the people in it, they don't like having to use their imaginations to exist, and so, there will always be verbal language, as there is now.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: well its not like imagination cant be put into verbal>_<

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah but you don't NEED to. It's not NECISSARY.

2006-04-27 [Faulty Limerence]: *NECESSARY

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: Says you - according to some, imagination is necessary for understanding and discovering the truth.

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: To some. Not all. But ALL would say that verbal language is a pretty darn good way to communicate. And sorry. I never knew how to spell necessary.

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: Although, apparently, it only accounts for 5% of communication *finds this hard to believe at times* :\

2006-04-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: 7%! The other 93% is body language. "Read my body language." - Kylie

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: Verbal and body cover all 100% of communication? Bullshit.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: Well, before I totally jump in this...tell me, where did you get those statistics JessumCrowe??...also, Silverfire...what are the other applications besides interpreting what is said, and how its said, with what tones and in what situations, as well as the facial expressions and physical actions of the person to whom is speaking...I mean, what else is there besides, verbal and body? nothing comes to mind...

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: Beause you have a small mind ;) Sorry, I don't mean it, I just can't resist the temptation. I mean things like images.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: See, now if I say something like, "and your a bitch" lol...and I say it in just as much of a joking way as you do with your comment, my retort, will be looked down upon. Not fair I tell you!, lol...but oh well...and you were looking at the much broader, and technically correct interpretation of the word communication lols...he was envisioning a situation in which someone was infront of another talking...I am guessing his intent wasnt to convey communication on a broad scale, but the communication involved between 2 people standing infront of one another...conversing with each other. I doubht the point was to represent anything other than the statistics on the proportions regarding the

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: communication of two people standing in front of one another talking...

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: Not by me it wouldn't - I accept that if I intend to even jokingly insult others, I should expect the same back :P Meh, I didn't know, (obviously :p) that it didn't encompass all communication.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: Which, isn't that horrible, because just because you didn't get what he meant, doesnt really mean much...he was confused on the stats you were conveying, and gave you incorrect ones of his own...which I still want to know where he got those stats..because sooo many people take retarded stats off of random ET houses or some place and act like there fact...

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: *wonders who 'he' is* - I'm assuming you mean Jeesum - if so, she's female :P I doubt she got the stats off a hous - I've seen most of the retarded stats, but not that one.

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: I have seen that one on a house before...except it was 10%-90%, so I just hope not lol. Oh...>_<, woops...I for some reason, just plain thought guy with the name...

2006-04-27 [windowframe]: :P Yes; to be fair, it's hardly an unfair mistake to make. And, Jeesum's a wee bit smarter than just nicking random stats of people's houses :P

2006-04-27 [Fizban]: Yay^_^...I still want to know where she got them from, especially now, becuase I want to learn about it :)

2006-04-27 [Nebka]: Statistics show that 64% of all statistics are made if you don't get this then you don't deserve to find it funny. and when I said I was nonverbal I actually ment more along the lines of pitch and pace. Granted I still use a large number of gesticulatons. Which is why I think webcams can be a great thing (if used appriotely). Not only do you get to see the person but you also get to hear what there saying as well.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: lol everyones a statistic^_^ either you are or you arnt. webcams are awesome for seeing friends that live in other states and such

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: & I got those statistics out of some psychiatry book.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: And communication that is verbal can be interpreted over a broad scale.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: And I'm not retarded. And I'm female. And they aren't incorrect. And. Let's see, how else did you indirectly insult me? Or maybe it wasn't indirect.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Look it up.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Uh excuse me? I dont see where I indirectly called you a retard...and sorry if I got the feel of a guy talking when reading your name, but I didnt intend nor did I if you look at what I said, insult you, just took it that way. If it was just some elftowner swinging around statistics like they all do, the first thing I do is ask about them before I assume incorrectness or idiocy on the part of person in question...but are you too good to be questioned in such a manner? Is it assuming your a retard to refused to blindly believe statistics given out from places I know not of, by people I dont know to trust? lol,...yeesh.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: "He was confused on the stats you were conveying" You were assuming everything about me, so don't play goody-two-shoes. And yeah. I am too good to be questioned in such a manner. So, don't do it again.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Plus, finding out the sex of someone before calling them "he" or "she" is just good manners.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Yes, it is, and that was spawned of my own apathy...however if you look back on the pages you will see that you answered to her stat of 5%, which was applying to communications as a whole as though it was applying to the form you were talking about. If I am not mistaken, the adjective confused could be applied here...because it looks alot like you confused what she was meaning to convey, with what you were...or, am I supposed to simply yield to your obvious supieriority on this matter, and insted of defend you (which is what I was doing...saying you were probably confused and that this is what I think you meant, because she was confused and I believed myself to hold the answers that would

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: No. I mentioned that verbal language was important in communication, and she said it only accounts for 5% of communication, so I said no, it accounts for 7% and that was it. There was no confusion. No one was confused.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: clear that up)-I should simply condemn you. Or is what I am saying, completly off touch with what really happened?

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Big lack of confusion.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: I think maybe YOU'RE confused.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Tell me then, what was her next post? Was it not her confused that you didnt take into consideration all the other forms of communications there were? Why was this? Becuase she if I have this correct, she wasn't talking about the stats of verbal-to non verbal conversations...she was talking about phone, and internet and mail...things other than face to face interaction. Something about that just...oh I dunno looks a little confused seeing as she didn't seem to understand why you put those statistics there.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: That wouldn't matter, because the point was it was 7% verbal and not 5% verbal and that's all I was saying and that's all anyone was saying. 7%. Big whoop. The end.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: is there body language in the communications we are currently having...are you interpreting my body language to get more out of what I am saying....yes or no?

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: I just went through this. I'm done. You can now rant about whatever you want to rant about and look like an idiot or whatever you would like to do, but you shouldn't expect an answer from me.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: well seeing as we both know the answer is no, you arent getting my body language out of is it that out of all the communications in the world there are...that 7% would be verbal...and then 93% would be body language? Thats what [windowframe] was werent correcting her statistic, because her statistic is on the communications of the world...5% is me talking to someone...34% could be internet for all I know, because I don't know the stats she was giving, but internet would be on the pie graph if it was a pie graph. Do you see what I am saying? If thats not confusion,...well, then I apparently am the ~idiot~ who doesn't know the meaning of the word.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: This is considered verbal communication, maybe, hm?

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Then if in "regular conversation" or however you are meaning, face to face, if it were 7% then that percent would go UP not DOWN if you take away 'body language' which I just meant as 'non-verbal communication.' It would be HIGHER than 7%. But it wasn't. So 7% still stands. 7 percent. Now are you done?

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: came back, that makes you "look like an idiot or whatever", sures...then I am guessing that statistic in your book wasnt talking about the communications of the world, because there is so much communications people do in there day that has nothing to do with body language. So here I believe you to be applying the statistic you got for your Phyche book incorrectly. As well as the fact that, that doesnt retract from the confusion viewable by [windowframe] within her following comment after yours...which you said didn't exist.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Listen. I think we can be pretty damn sure Silvie was REFERRING to the generally used statistics that have to do with verbal and non-verbal communication, or else they wouldn't be so CLOSE in NUMBER. And so because she WAS referring to that THAT is what I came back with. And the "look like an idiot" but, as you can see with the or, was a possibility and not a definite.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: wow your going on and on about 7%...its hardly about the number there hun...also, thats not a positive affirmation..the idea that from a conversation we obtain more out of what they were doing and non-verbally expressing...either way, then if it is as you are stating..that you werent just talking about body language, but that you were talking about non-verbal communication when you said that...then you misrepresented the statistic you were conveying, becuase there is a difference from saying body language, to saying non-verbal communications.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: "'body language' which I just meant as 'non-verbal communication.'" Do you not read?

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: you meant it, hello?? Are you reading? I said you saying one thing and meaning another, kinda confuses things, which is quite obvious by the previous posts!...if you werent so damned arrogant I am guessing you would have seen that by now. Because you ~said~ one thing, and ~meant~ another, someone took it the wrong way...and if you look back you see why silver took it wrong...if I didnt know of the stat you were talking about, I would have taken it wrong as well.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: This is verbal motherfucking communication, and if I were talking to you and giving you the finger that would be body. Body. Verbal. This is verbal. That is body. Verbal. Body. There generally isn't anything else used in communication.Look, see : communication, n. The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Speech - verbal, signals - body, writing - verbal, behaviour - body. THE END.

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: calm down calm down its just a discussion no reason to use curse words

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: Lols, your funny...okay, ssuurree whatevers ^_^, lol. Would silverfire have gotten so confused over a difference of 2%? Something tells me no...but okies, whatever you say hun...(not implying that I know someone, only implying that most people wouldn't have, not counting the rest of what was said)

2006-04-28 [Azuri]: Me thinks its time for a change of coversation. Sooo How about those blue skys?

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: I think she was amazed that there wasn't a third category or a fourth and that is all moving on. FINALLY.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: I think it goes well with that green grass.

2006-04-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Thank you, Jesus.

2006-04-28 [Fizban]: , mary and Joseph!

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